Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The life entrusted to us

A friend of mine snapped this a couple of weeks ago at a family gathering to welcome our soon to arrive grandson!  As usual, my husband was full of hilarity and when it was time to snap the family photo he clowned with our 'baby boy'.  The image has stuck with me through these days providing much food for thought.  After the initial chuckle (I was busy posing and hadn't seen what was going on just out of my sight - the proverbial rabbit ears)  what immediately came to mind was John 3:30
"He must increase, I must decrease"
Isn't it such a part of the pattern of parenting, growing them into the man or woman they will become, our role in one sense decreasing as theirs takes off.  Yes, we have become less, and gladly so, to watch them shine is our delight.  I can recall certain times of intentional stepping back, so that one of our children could soak in all the graced goodness of a given moment...watching them as they stood tall and took it in.
And now it is Lent and those words take on another meaning, another pattern recognized...yes, the scripture tells us that we must decrease and Christ increase...yet with ashes fresh upon me, I also see the Father, bending down in delight wherever He sees Christ rise up tall in humankind...and shine!  May this lent be a season of growth that delights the Father with the life of the Son lived in us. 

1 comment:

Cizonor said...

My dad the prankster. The doctor is already saying Luke is going to be a giant. Dad and I will both have to do one of these poses when he grows up.