Self-knowledge is not clarity or transparency or knowing how everything works, self-knowledge is a fiercely attentive form of humility and thankfulness...David Whyte
7704- grieving for so much in the world, hoping for so much in the world
7703- oldest daughters insight, and reading it again and again, so good
7702- holding her as she cries, her holding on to me
7701- the slower pace
7700- losing the time in a good book
7699- jack making me smile
7698- she chose pale yellow blooms and whisky grasses
7697- preparing the garden beds
7696- making a Kateri cross for my Open Hearts friends
7695- tiny, perfectly ripe plums
7694- this mornings sky
7693- 123push, and nothing moves
7692- the best bottle of wine, a cool coastal evening, a fire and my love
7691- wide open spaces
7690- suddenly we are all cracking up
7689- a long listening
7688- when my head finally hits the pillow, body weary from work and it feels good
7687- the memories that pop up
7686- against my better judgement
7685- the hard days
7684- his text, love spoken plain and direct to the heart
7683- our good humored dog, Jack the morkipoo
7682- long beach walks, barefeet in wet sand, masked and safe (not your typical beach day)
7681- wind chimes of deep resonance
7680- little lemon tree
7679- she made cupcakes
7678- comfortable silences
7677- the comfort of soup doubled by the remembrance it evokes
7676- when a group with heavy hearts breaks out with a good laugh (the best medicine)
7675- Jumping rope in the backyard, self-care in the time of quarantine
7674- Lucas’ face when his bandito masked grammy and gramps showed up in the driveway to wish him a happy birthday at a safe distance during quarantine
7673- sheltering at home and so grateful for our home
7672- the gift of calla lillies and homemade tamales on our porch
7671- finding a way to reclaim this blog, and seeing that nothing was lost as I begin again
7670- hearing the voice of a friend
7669- all of us with projects - each demanding a measure of creativity harder motivated late in the day
7668- strangers kindness on the phone
7667- 2 days before Lent and it begins
7665- filling eggs for the hunt
7664- baby Brooks, our new grandson
7663- sure this has been here before, but a COLD beer after working in the dirt
7662- every night, the tucking in, until the night she didn't need it anymore
7661- long away, in that place where love and loss meet, having first my Dad, then Mary (his beloved of 30 years) and then my own mom all go to God, and their absence so profoundly felt
7660- a shock today...Mary has gone to God...and Dad
7659- seeing his car pull in to home
7658- late night chats on the couch
7657- ricki and the flash
7656- day to myself
7655- sharing photos
7654- kyla and lucas chatting away - watching them grow up together
7653- Just when I think Lucas has outgrown his moaning delight when eating, there it is, and my heart thrills
7652- feasts with family
7651- big decisions afoot
7650- to walk with another so dear
7649- safe home son
7648- beach blonde
7647- because I'm his mom - wishing him a safe adventure
7646- accents
7645- long lovely phone call with my girl
7644- they are laughing and laughing and I have caught their giggles
7643- Happy Birthday beautiful Jessica
7642- a baby named Walter
7641- my glad heart to give her a gift full of meaning as our friendship
7640- walking again
7639- the joy in shared ministry, in God moments
7638- the smell of the sea
7637- sharing a long cuppa on the phone, laughing and crying with our #1
7636- the young man in the hallway, eavesdropping accidentally and smiling at the good of it - we become fast friends
7635- adventurous spirits
7634- Conor off to the Sawtooth Mountains
7633- she's pure golden sunshine, if she could see herself
7632- the friends and 'strangers' held in prayer
7631- us girls, playing in the pool after all the dancing
7630- the place a ghost town, and I'm missing Dad
7629- scarves
7628- a 6 hour drive and she talks the whole way, feeling pretty graced, I am
7627- paper airplanes
7626- birthday package almost ready to ship to sweet Jess
7625- frozen peas ice pack for her foot, poor girl
7624- morning sounds as sunlight illumines the darkness
7623- only God could make something this ridiculous work
7622- karla's quick yes and we will get a wee get-away
7621- parish Dad so eager to get involved
7620- they stay up, sitting in the dark watching a scary movie, Maze Runner... I go hide in a book in our bed
7619- our girl circling school supplies in the catalog
7618- can't wait to meet baby Desmond
7617- Mary's knowing look, enough said
7616- foggy beach
7615- fresh marinara simmering and the aroma makes us all hungry
7614- the simple pleasure of getting the little neglected chores done
7613- carol, tutor extraordinaire
7612- long chat with my mamacita
7611- she weighed next to nothing in my arms. Oh, but the weight of her circumstance, that buckled my knees. She turned into me, tucking her head against my neck, her small hands searching for skin. There she stayed, still and almost breathless, as if she were hiding in broad daylight.
7610- our girl is terrified of bugs...terrified
7609- the boy with the loaves and fishes and I am back in Tabgha
7608- baking a pretty cake together
7607- our long chat...and we are only beginning
7606- outdoor shower, check
7605- lunch on the waterfront with 'the girls'
7604- sandy sun drenched girl
7603- Jack using 'the force' to move the ball, afraid of where it's rolled
7602- prophetic preaching
7601- moving her bed for a thorough cleaning
7600- summer rain and memories
7599- so many prayers this weekend
7598- baby preparations well underway, and Lucas eager to meet his baby brother
7597- doing what we do not like (painting) together
7596- jumpin jack afraid of the thunder doing a cartoon run to hide
7595- thunder loud, lightning and rain!
7594- they play fetch and both come in happily tired and grinning
7593- guitar strumming
7592- ordering a pizza on a friday night
7591- circled in prayer
7590- so good when pubescent angst meets calm mama and the morning ends with kisses blowing goodbye and a happy girl
7589- they call from the car, lucas' sweet voice talking to me
7588- i hear her working, his coaching her in the backyard
7587- dance class dates resume
7586- back to work and meeting Lee, glad surprise
7585- Mary's delight at her gift
7584- shared egg salad on Hawaiian bread
7583- how we hold our broken heart between us
7582- how that pup has wiggled into my heart
7581- daily rhythms comfort
7580- french toast and their glad proclamation 'mom's home'
7579- her cuddle and complaint which isn't really
7578- his kiss
7577- her email touching base
7576- tbtg he understands and now so do I
7575- I...must...sleep, jet lag's hold
7574- ease
7573- feet up (swollen) and long talk in the night
7572- faces of home
7571- the gift of being a pilgrim
7570- he walks so slow but goes so fast
7569- kiss and go
7568- and in bursts - humor
7567- al fresco conversations
7566- everything is connected
7565- new baby bragging rights
7564- little things, bigger than life
7563- tapestry love, always
7562- light in windows, golden hues
7561- with arms wide open, ancient carvings prompt my modern prayer, the trust to surrender, always the lesson
7560- angels on bridges
7559- our guide straight out of disney
7558- reading the scriptures in St Peters (chapel)
7557- house shrines and they help me find them
7556- the shy tailor and his good friend
7555- gelato, his treat for us all, and us all kids eager and happy
7554- there is joy to be found in sharing the experience
7553- ready or not, and not feeling ready, here we go
7552- Tal the great protector
7551- crowded on the balcony, we watch the sunset in Tel Aviv
7550- walking the beach
7549- shofar, so good
7548- we are the 5th loaf
7547- I'm in trouble with the Franciscans
7546- how he firmly pats the altar, connected to place
7545- how some love the bottom, and others love the top, humble home-queen of nations
7544- her house in Gods house
7543- wine samples
7542- searching for joseph
7541- like a lighthouse, mary
7540- he shook but we were feeling it, eh liz
7538- womens work in the early hours, only sight to be seen
7537- oh mt tabor, your beauty transfigures me
7536- keeping galilee in my heart
7535- a texas saloon in tiberius
7534- the dove and the artist
7533- louie
7532- joy and delight
7531- thank you tiberius, a phone call home
7530- happy 4th of July, smiles and songs and hands on hearts
7529- galilee and the 70's
7528- voice on the wind
7527- oh how the spirit blows
7526- a walkabout on my own
7525- the sister and the caramel, prayers
7524- sometimes enthusiasm trumps prudence
7523- watermelon and bulgarian cheese
7522- a cold beer among friends
7521- glad to take the pics, enjoy the shade
7520- caves find and enterprising youths
7519- friendly birds
7518- papaya freeze, heaven
7517- sweat dripping down my back
7516- such courage and loyalty and ingenuity
7515- they are taking a group shot, watching us curiously
7514- camel parking
7513- let my mouth speak what my heart holds
7512- the whispered words of grace to guide
7511- the very stones sing
7510- kumbaya he did
7509- Daniel, not to let the moment pass
7508- generosity in the telling of the story
7507- Anne
7506- 38 years he waited at the pools
7505- the pit, the stairs, the gaze when eyes meet
7504- hands on stone where jesus lay
7503- he took my hand, small fingers and big smile, i am gladly captured
7502- your prayers and mine, put there
7501- the wall, the many women, not turning your back
7500- a joke between us
7499- always, the holy spirit hovers near
7498- the rock of agony, chipped rough
7497- among the olive trees
7496- look up
7495- stones left behind on graves, so many graves
7494- long to gather you as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings
7493- the lord's tears
7492- smiling camel
7491- lovely pater noster, gardens and grace, our...
7490- oh the singing
7489- simple chapel of the ascension, the grief of His going from them tangible
7488- awake, I watch the moonrise in stillness
7487- the smiling madonna
7486- as sweet as honey from the honeycomb
7485- the longing for peace in his voice
7484- we read the passage together aloud, right there
7483- the stairs number the blessings of the day, gratitude carries me up and up
7482- into the hill country
7481- mass in the cave of St Jerome
7480- juxtaposed
7479- machine gun dangling at his side, he smiles and throws up a peace sign
7478- camera as spiritual gift
7477- stretching my arm down darkness in the middle of a star, how God might have felt
7476- bowing to enter, glad I am not a horse
7475- jessica's gift of words to me
7474- signposts affirm I am here
7473- on my flight and behind me a man softly singing in hebrew
7472- wind in my hair
7471- hand on stone
7470- sunshine and birds chirping that wake me this day
7469- the goodwill gesture and its grace
7468- generosity toward another
7467- the women around this table as we break bread, share life and faith
7466- warm sun and bluest sky
7465- those touching base calls we share
7464- a clean and fluffy puppy
7463- hebrew poetry, words and translations
7462- the dedication with which they seek to learn to pray
7461- the one who stole her mango and ate it, and her sharing with me her disappointment
7460- And I saw the river over which every soul must pass to reach the kingdom of heaven and the name of that river was suffering and I saw a boat which carries souls across the river and the name of that boat was love. ~ St. John of the Cross
7459- the exchange of ideas
7458- the people who wander in my office door
7457- the day at work spent in wonderfully creative and encouraging conversations
7456- letting myself accept the gap in this list, and not trying to fill it, my Dad has gone to God
7455- how her hug lingers a moment before she goes to spend the night at a friends
7454- that lovely irish way of asking...whose field are you in
7453- sitting across the table from Conor and Leslie, so beautifully real
7452- how they love my cooking
7451- tired out puppy snores
7450- such a privilege to do the work I do
7449- oh just watching the spirit work
7448- woodwork, dreaming tree, once upon a vine, pacific redwoods...
7447- today I cannot quote Mary "they have no more wine" with the gift of words and wine my beautiful friend bestowed upon me for an early birthday surprise
7446- the conversations Fr Mike and I share at oremus
7445- the things we carry
7444- lucas giggles as we hang out together, a cozy afternoon
7443- those that are thankful, an easy grace
7442- his body bent, slowly unstiffens as he makes his way home
7441- to see the joy on her face as she meets her friends, a quick goodbye as she heads into her future
7440- i really cant hear out of that ear
7439- the first scripture is jeremiah 29, the one first given to me
7438- dark chocolate almonds
7437- we walk and talk and walk and talk and walk and talk
7436- lucas and legos
7435- memories and prayers
7434- he asks his questions - so good
7433- oremus practice such an encouragement
7432- monday girl enjoying day old donuts leftover from Sunday mass=happy
7431- crispy bottom pizza
7430- as I look up from this, the things I see
7429- dads thermos
7428- so proud of my son, for these kudos he's received, but oh, for so much more
7427- i carry your heart in my heart
7426- overcome by beauty
7425- heading to the hills - snow day
7424- baby its cold outside
7423- Pats cookies
7422- husband who warms the home
7421- slow days get slower
7420- delight on faces
7419- christmas
7418- tenderness
7417- he wouldn't call the doctor, but the doctor called him
7416- sweet tooth girl
7415- shepherds who really make haste - hilariously
7414- old friends, memories, consolations, conclusions
7413- Fr Pats words
7412- friends in ER, 3 at a time, prayers
7411- scurrying rabbits
7410- clear night, bright stars
7409- those that lend a hand
7408- the anniversary of our engagement 40 years ago
7407- sharing at the heart of it
7406- chatting with mom on the phone
7405- broken lamb, broken heart, mending
7404- I knew him in the distant dark by his walk, my son
7403- thank God
7402- she just wants to cuddle, so
7401- mocha
7400- the lack of 'time' is a kind of innkeepers lack of room
7399- 11 and shes a bit nervous about tonight
7398- playing in the snow with lucas and kyla
7397- she loves the book and we love her
7396- What I know I could put into a pack as if it were bread and cheese, and carry it on one shoulder, important and honorable, but so small! While everything else continues, unexplained and unexplainable. M.O.
7395- child lessons continue (she has as much to teach me as I have to teach her)
7394- a room full of friends
7393- when you read all their books, and wish for more
7392- irish you a merry christmas today, and the clear skies have returned
7391- a friend you can call, and just hearing the voice is enough
7390- christmas lights
7389- I ask the girl my daughters age if I should pick her up from school or would she want to walk in this rain - oh walk, she answered giddily, and she was right
7388- the aroma coming from the oven
7387- so good to have lee and bridget, sheila leslie and kyla all with me for our advent eve
7386- missing you
7385- just spending time
7384- there are tears for that
7383- the topic tonight is joy
7382- a proper irish farewell
7381- we stand in the rain chatting after Fr Mikes funeral, not a bother
7380- rain lashing
7379- blushing
7378- how she sang to herself the whole flight home
7377- Your life ought to be as one long prayer that God's Spirit may work through all your thinking and acting to bless your neighbor.
7376- dance friends in the hotel pool and virgin pina coladas, she says "it doesn't get better than this'
7375- why are all of our ornaments religious, she asks (and then thrills to find a santa riding on a bird)
7374- only half the lights come on when we plug in the tree (not now, I silently sigh my weak plea), and walk out of the room, thinking there's no point to continue, when she calls me back "mom, all the lights came on! It's working!" I thank the Lord, this was no small thing. The light entered the unlit lengths within me too
7373- hot tea, lemon, honey for this throat
7372- the surprise of coming home from the desert and he's the house aglow with Christmas lights
7371- watching her emerge, and all it kindles in memories
7370- because she's in middle school, that's why
7369- traveling the year with the good folks at joy of the gospel, glad for the journey, glad for its conclusion, and glad for its urging us on
7368- my friend who waits, makes me listen to the good word
7367- I almost rushed to her, only to realize it wasn't her at all, but the beauty of the felt moment my heart held all the day
7366- the things I miss
7365- the empty chair
7364- she hooks her arm in mine, just so
7363- the deep quiet of sorrow was enough to tend to at the time
7362- the familial ease with my coworkers, grace
7361- the things we cannot do
7360- cooler weather
7359- to say I love you
7358- writing his eulogy and the words just flow (thanks for the good advice Fr Nick)
7357- those 5 horns her last hurrah
7356- yes, pope francis, YES
7355- in her mind, if they are talking about Jesus, praying or reading the bible, they are catholic
7354- to lay by her side, comfort enough
7353- moms making last minute adjustments to costumes as they drop off their children for halloween at school
7352- seeing her shine in her new surroundings
7351- lawn mower noise that makes me want to take a nap
7350- lisa's courage which I see through her terror
7349- making chicken noodle soup for the poor girl
7348- wagging tail greeting
7347- home
7346- laughing in the midst of weeping, memories
7345- the loss of his mother and a priest and friend who has been so like a father to us
7344- J & C, so proud of their words, their lives
7343- the things unsaid that we share
7342- When someone knocks on the door, Think that he's about To give you something large: tell you you're forgiven, Or that it's not necessary to work all the time, Or that it's been decided that if you lie down no one will die.
7341- a long and necessary absence
7340- my sweetheart of a brother
7339- we share a long history
7338- star ringed jelly jars
7337- her beautiful roses, spent and drooped, stunning still
7336- dont miss the little joys as they come
7335- pup with his face in the wind
7334- brie, jam, crackers
7333- how she's stretched out on the sofa, ipad in her lap, feet tapping out an irish dance
7332- he helps me
7331- how good a clean house feels
7330- our own beds
7329- little tacos
7328- bad news-good news
7327- happy birthday katie
7326- quiet, reading for pleasure
7325- dog training and watching her learn as we go
7324- jacks tail wagging eagerness
7323- so many friends fighting personal battles, so much to lift in prayer, and so glad for that gift
7322- at pre-op with her, moved by her courage, humor, tenderness, and work at understanding
7321- father and son chatting away
7320- pilgrimage rescheduled to next year and the excitement has not waned
7319- lucas standing on our bed, arms stretched wide in admiration of the sailboat on the wall, tells me he tried to draw a boat but it didnt turn out like this...this is good (it's a photo)
7318- conor and lucas to welcome us home
7317- green line encounter and his humor to diffuse the situation
7316- hotel movies snuggled together
7315- dancing the hora at the wedding reception
7314- city noisescape
7313- his reading of the prayers
7312- the lake that is an ocean - @ lake michigan
7311- i am not myself on this medicine and hoping it works...and fast
7310- happy birthday jessica
7309- when you think you are through all that, and then discover you are not
7308- looking forward to our family excursion to chicago and michael and eleanors wedding
7307- hands that tell the tale
7306- little fashionista (sometimes)
7305- gram is praying for her intention (we tell her that's like having a direct line)
7304- prayers for lisa
7303- moo time
7302- oz songs throughout our days as she readies for her performance, glinda the good witch
7301- the two of them napping, a girl and her dog
7300- he's drinking from the tap as I fill his bowl, wet whiskers and wagging tail
7299- when words flow from the heart
7298- Jack the pup playing with our dust bunnies
7297- in need of a good night's sleep (and a foot that will heal)
7296- conor and leslies generosity with time & affection
7295- we sit on the porch swing and she speaks to my heart eucharisteo
7294- feast of St. Martha - Jesus loved Martha (John 11:5)
7293- how the treasure in the field is found with out cost but not possessed without cost
7292- she sings in the shower and the holy spirit is speaking to me
7291- little dot
7290- lost note, found
7289- I break open the crispy loaf and they both lick their fingers to pick up the bits that flew like sparks down on the table, too good to let it go
7288- I turn my chair, scoot closer
7287- she is so unguarded, it is refreshing
7286- train whistles and hard shoes pounding out an irish beat
7285- I find a bit of glass from Easter that had broken on the patio and weep at it's aching poetry
7284- shattered, he said, and the word continues to haunt me with it's metaphor
7284- pasta
7283- 10 year old is beginning her career, says she, at drama camp
7282- a new baby in the world- welcome nicholas james
7281- the things I'd like to do for him, to ease his mind, his labors
7280- so happy together
7279- children's play - twirling dizzy
7278- irish night at the ballgame, so fun
7277- dreamt of my brother
7276- kyla cries when she hears of our friends cancer - gives her $20 to help (that's all she has) and our hearts all melt into one
7275- he's on the prowl, looking for mischief
7274- retreat filling fast
7273- sorrow divided by friendship
7272- doing the things I don't want to do, and it's doing me good
7271- will wonders never cease
7270- a voice mail full of heartbreak
7269- that thick southern drawl on the phone
7268- the two of them, laughing wildly
7267- wind swirling my hair straight up
7266- rain tease
7265- talking to her mama, we just weep
7264- ahh, tween girls
7263- reading is so good
7262- braids have turned her hair to riotous waves
7261- some days Gods word just overwhelms
7260- little Julianna gone to God
7259- quick repentance
7258- she's taking pictures everywhere we go
7257- breezy day
7256- shared dessert
7255- the restful hum of the fan
7254- he's proud how he cajoled her into a good mood
7253- she tells him the whole tale, and that she's becoming like me, then she quips my response, could be worse
7252- i have again stumped the doctors with my odd symptoms
7251- aiming the fan directly on me
7250- the goodness to counter the ugly
7249- photo poster of our smiling toothless girl
7248- reading everything she's written
7247- courage
7246- love our travel time chats, daughter of mine
7245- waterfall shock
7244- rabbits on the night road
7243- sleeping in
7242- middle schooler fashion show delight
7241- a quiet lunch shared at home
7240- leslie and kyla out shopping, girl time
7239- a stranger offers to pray and God's care is made known
7238- log on and there is dad and mary smiling away at the lake
7237- good company
7236- when my friend just stops by
7235- the new translation of the scriptures that changed sluggish hearts to gross, what were they thinking
7234- the surprise of a table spread to welcome me
7233- oh the people I miss
7232- prayers for so many of my friends going through hard times
7231- tired from the heat, we all laze about
7230- she has a new friend, says he
7229- blueberry crumble we make together
7228- homemade ice cream
7227- Peter sharing his dreams
7226- Fr John has gone to God and I feel his absence from the world
7225- the most gorgeous fragrant roses
7224- he rubs my shoulders, I rub his feet
7223- needing to choose when it's also hard to do so
7222- life can be so complex
7221- patriotism at its best
Because we do not live on bread alone...
This is my living faith, an active faith, a faith of verbs: to question, explore, experiment, experience, walk, run, dance, play, eat, love, learn, dare, taste, touch, smell, listen, speak, write, read, draw, provoke, emote, scream, sin, repent, cry, kneel, pray, bow, rise, stand, look, laugh, cajole, create, confront, confound, walk back, walk forward, circle, hide, and seek. ~Terry Tempest Williams
God is constantly knocking at the gate of my heart to invite me to go beyond the state I have reached, because my whole life should be a journey on the way to Love. ~Charles Cardinal Journet
I would love to live like a river flows; carried by the surprise of it's own unfolding. ~John O'Donahue
My Lord told me a joke. And seeing Him laugh has done more for me than any scripture I will ever read. ~Meister Eckart
The main thing in life is not to be afraid to be human. ~Pablo Cassals
You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was. ~Irish Proverb
You can reach heaven from any place on earth. ~St. Samthann